Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Fantasticks

We went to see a musical called "The Fantasticks." It was fantastic. I loved it.

It was about a girl and a boy who did the exact opposite of what their fathers told them. So the fathers faked a feud so the boy and the girl would fall in love but they couldn't think of a way for the feud to end so they hired a guy called El Gallo to kidnap the girl so the boy could rescue her. The girl's Father would be so grateful that the feud would end but it didn't workout the way they had planned. They annoyed each other so muh it turned in to a real feud. The boy and the girl ended up together and it worked out ok.

My mom and dad's friend, Cyprian, played El Gallo. He was great! He was funny and I liked his character. The best scene he did, I think, was when the boy stabbed him while rescuing the girl. El Gallo took like 10 minutes to die. He wandered around and half fainted on a woman in the audience. It was funny. El Gallo sang a lot of the songs and his voice was so deep. We tried to sing the songs in the car on the way home but none of us could get our voice as deep as his. My sister got pretty close though.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hatchet: Book Review

We finished Hatchet. It was a good book. He ended up getting rescued. But first he had to learn a thing or two about taking care of himself in the wild. He had to learn how to make a bow and arrow. He had to make a shelter and start a fire using just his hatchet and sticks. He got attacked by a moose and he also met a bear.

I recently got Brian's Winter. It's the story of how he would have survived the winter if he hadn't gotten rescued. I haven't started it yet, but I plan on doing it today.

Zathura: Movie Review

I went to see Zathura. It was better than I thought it would be, much better.

It's about two brothers. The younger one finds a game called Zathura. He twisted a key, pressed a button, and a card popped out. It said, "Meteor Shower" but he couldn't read it so he brought it to his brother. Once his brother read it, a tiny little meteor burned through the card. They just sat there and watched the meteors come until they finally ran before one hit the chair. They were hiding in the fireplace when the meteor shower stopped. Then they peeked their heads out and the tv turned itself back on and then the last meteor, a huge one, destroyed it.

Once they started playing this game, they had to finish the game because everything that was on a card was happening to them. Their house was getting destroyed, but they became better brothers through all their adventures.

I would recommend this movie.

Friday, January 06, 2006

The book we are reading

We are reading HATCHET for book club. It is good but we haven't gotten very far in the book yet. It is about a boy whose parents are getting divorced and he is going to visit his dad but the pilot has a heart attack and the plane goes down somewhere in Canada and he knows a secret about something his mom did which caused the divorce. I can't wait to finish it. Then I'll write about the rest of it.